Monday, September 27, 2010

It's that time of year... rotate our 72-hour kits.  This is our food kits.  We used to do this just once a year, but we've found some of the items got a little to crisp for our liking, so we upped it to twice a year.  We all gather our backpacks (which came from unused school pile because they found a cooler one, or you can purchase them cheap at the D.I.) and dump everything into a huge bowl and eat the snacks throughout watching the 2-hour increments of church leaders speaking, or save some for the pantry rotation for after school snacks or ball games. We also have learned to store things we are used to or like eating. You may make changes to your liking, for instance you may have a peanut allergy in your household, but I do think chocolate is a must!
suggested food-type items for kits:
2 instant oatmeal
3 hot chocolate
1 hot cider
1 ramen noodles
3 granola bars
2 fruit snacks or fruit roll-ups
2 jerky
2 pkgs peanut butter crackers
1 pkg raisins
2 capri sun
1 vienna sausage
3 pkg crackers
1 pkg trail mix
1 chex mix bar
1 pkg gum
few tootsie rolls
few pieces hard candy
plastic spoon
ziploc bag to hold foods
Day One
B: oatmeal, hot chocolate
L: trail mix, capri sun
D:1/2 pkg ramen noodles, jerky, fruit snacks

Day Two
B: oatmeal, hot chocolate
L: 2 pkg peanut butter crackers, raisins, capri sun
D: 2 granola bars, jerky, hot cider

Day Three
B: granola bar, hot chocolate
L: 1/2 pkg ramen noodles, chex mix bar
D: vienna sausage, 3 pkg crackers, fruit snacks

Snacks: gum, tootsie rolls, hard candy

*Note: You will need at least 2 liters water (to mix food and to drink), cups, a heat source and small pan
for heating water.  Food kits should be rotated yearly to keep food fresh, but we've found 6 months works best for our family. I usually spend around $50-$60 for my family of 6 for the food kits.

We also have 1 set of clothes for each person in our backpacks. The adults usually stay, but since children grow like weeds, it is also a good time to rotate their clothes as well. We keep a pair of underwear, socks, long pants, t-shirt, long sleeve shirt or hoodie in them, and our camping shoes are in the garage for a quick grab.
For additional items we have 1 solar or crank radio, 1 roll of toilet paper, a small first aid kit, waterproof matches, a heat source, and extra water in the adult bags. In all of them we have a mess kit, disposable poncho, emergency sleeping bag & blanket, shaker flashlight, an all-in-one compass-whistle-mirror, activity books and crayons, small toy or comfort item, travel size toothpaste & toothbrush, any medication that person may need, and hand sanitizer.
For the little ones in your family, you may want to pack some children's motrin, and their medication in your bag just to be safe.
I just thought of this one to add this year; a wallet size family pic, (in case you get seperated, hopefully you won't).
Always better to be safe than sorry! It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark! Hoping we never have to use these, but knowing I am prepared brings my mind more peaceful bliss!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Today is great day to... the windows, strip the beds, and air out those mattresses.  While the sheets are washing spray the mattresses down with some Febreeze or other air freshener you have on hand, wait  till you put the sheets in the dryer, then flip the mattress and spray again.  By the time the sheets are dry so will your mattresses.  And you've got a headstart on that FALL cleaning.
While you have that yummy Fall scented (I used Febreeze with Gain apple mango tango scent), air freshener out go ahead and spray the toss pillows that are on those comfy couches that you are going to land on tomorrow night after the kiddos are in bed to watch the Season Premiere of Parenthood. (WOOT! WOOT!!)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Clean Place to Study

This is our project drawer for the kids, which obviously was in some much needed help after the summer to prepare for the school year.  So here are some before, during and after pics.  Yes, I through away quite a bit of used paper and coloring books.  Now it is ready and organized for the kids to have a nice and clean study station.
Yeah, one drawer for pencils, paper, and workbooks, and another for "rainy-day-I'm bored" projects.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Have you ever wondered....? I keep sane? This, this is my "Brain" book!!

This is probably what most of your fridges look like, mine used to until we got this new one and we couldn't stand anything on it because it looks so pretty by itself.

What did I do? I put a message board inside the pantry door and in-and-out boxes on the counter that don't get abused. Also, get yourself a calendar. The 16-month ones are for sale right now. What a great headstart for the new year.

It's the 1st of September now is the time to get yourself and your kids organized. I'm by all means not saying I'm perfect, but I'm trying to turn my passions into a talent that may help others.

So be one of the first ones to name my new business and title of my blog and I will choose the best one for me. And the winner will win, one room of her choosing to be organized!