Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Night Routine

This is the inside of our panty door.  In your house it may be in your mudroom or maybe a chalkboard in your kids room, but this seems to be the central station in our house.  I keep a whiteboard which I update every Sunday night with a list of chores for the week for each child, 1 job per day besides keeping their room clean, making their bed and putting away clothes.  Then I don't have to think when they get home from school what to have them do to earn their allowance. (Allowance you say: YES!  My kids get $1 for every age they are per month.) Cheap you say, maybe. But they usually don't spend it, they like to go to the bank and see their savings grow.  But now Christmas is upon us, yes ladies, maybe only 5-6 more paychecks till then, sad but true, they keep a little bit at home to buy for each other.
Back to the job chart, most of the time, those who are a little bit more focused in the morning, usually get their job done before school.  Since this picture was taken I have updated it to 4 different color of dry erase pens, 1 for each kid.  Easier for them to spot their own section .
Also the lunch calendar from school is printed out here, so those that are picky can decide if they are taking a home lunch on which days that week by writing their initial and a yes or no next to it.
Also backpacks are ready, papers signed, books inside, ready to go hanging inside the coat closet on command hooks, next to a jacket and pair of shoes on the shelf ready to go.
The kids also set out their own school clothes for the next day (as long as they are modest I don't battle, they actually do this all week long, takes out the guess work and one less thing to do in the morning), and take out a bathroom garbage because Monday is city garbage day.
And for all you couponers out there, after the kiddos have settled down for the night I clip and sort the coupons from the day. So I'm ready for Monday without weekend loomers.  Stay tuned for Monday routine...

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