Monday, May 23, 2011

Iron Staining Clothes!?!

Before the kiddos are out of school, (and it's still raining outside), why not catch up on all those clothes to iron and watch a chick-flick.
No, this is not my husband, he thinks ironing is actually a waste of time, but sometimes you want your man to look pressed, RIGHT!?!
If you sew or press your clothes a lot then eventually you'll need to clean your iron. Why? The tap water you use in your steam water resevoir starts to calcify and/or oxidize and you start hetting whitish and/or reddish crud in your steam water-and it will leave a giant stain on whatever it is you're ironing.  If you're like me, first you will cry, then you will turn to the internet to figure out what to do.
Turns out, all you just need to do, is clean your iron.
1ST-Buy a big bottle of white distilled vinegar.
2nd-Fill your resevoir with it & turn the iron on.
3rd-Steam the heck out of a fluffy white towel or rag until there is no vinegar left in your resevoir. Then do it again or until you fell confident that no more whitish/reddish crud is coming out of your iron.
4th-Flush it with water a few times to get the vinegar smell out.
*NOTE: Open a window, because ti is going to be foul in there while you're steaming all your vinegar out. I'm pretty sure it isn't bad for you but it is very unpleasant smelling and feels really weird to inhale.
Not recommended.
Hopefully this little tip will make your next ironing feat a little more blissful!

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